CommitteesTo volunteer, complete the Committee Application and/or send an email to [email protected]. COMMUNICATIONSDuties and Responsibilities: The Communication Workgroup oversees all SABM® communications to ensure that themes and content are consistent with SABM®'s mission. It also aims to link marketing strategies with revenue generation. The committee will consist of the following workgroups: Newsletter, Website, Social Media, and Scoop. Other communications committee activities include, selecting the Kathleen Sazama Award for Annual Meetings, brochures, translations, and external initiatives. Learn more….. MEMBERSHIP and MENTORSHIPDuties and Responsibilities: The Membership and Mentorship Committee develops and implements recruitment and retention strategies and recommends activities that ensure value to membership. The committee shall have the responsibility of nominating a slate of Honorary Members and/or other Members (as determined by the Board). Additionally, the Membership Committee will approve applications for Membership. In addition, the committee oversees a mentorship program with the intention of providing newer SABM members a resource for learning, guidance, and experience by mentorship by professionally compatible senior SABM members. Learn more…..
WorkgroupRESOURCE DEVELOPMENT WORKGROUPDuties and Responsibilities: The workgroup identifies the need for, as well as leads and participates in the development and implementation of high-quality education products for SABM members. Education products may include but are not limited to documents/resources e.g.: Policy & Procedure, Guidelines, Lectures, Presentation-style Programming. Learn more…..
CLOSED COMMITTEESANNUAL MEETING PLANNINGDuties and Responsibilities: In line with goals established by the Executive Committee, The Annual Meeting Planning Committee identifies the needs, develops content, seeks appropriate speakers, and evaluates the educational merit of the Annual Meeting. Learn more….. SCIENTIFICDuties and Responsibilities: The Scientific Committee identifies unmet needs in patient blood management and promotes new scientific research, and scholarly activities, strengthening the scientific credibility and framework of SABM efforts, and facilitating additional resources, ideas, and collaboration. The Scientific Committee also serves as a review panel for the content of the Annual Meeting Program and evaluates the scientific/academic merit of other SABM projects and activities such as but not limited to advisory groups, consensus panels, and submission of program proposals to other scientific and medical meetings. Learn more….. |