Affiliate Links

International Foundation for Patient Blood Management (IFPBM)
The International Foundation for Patient Blood Management (IFPBM) is a multi-faceted organization whose core purpose is to improve patient safety and outcomes through optimal Patient Blood Management. Their charter is to establish, organize and maintain a professional network of scientific associates of well-published international key opinion leaders in the field of Patient Blood Management. Grounded in scientific validation, the foundation promotes education and training in PBM to enable change. It is registered as a not-for-profit Foundation in Switzerland.

Transfusion Evidence Library
National Health Service Blood and Transplant (NHSBT) Systematic Review Initiative, an Oxford (UK)-based research group led by Professor Mike Murphy, is responsible for creating and maintaining a valuable evidence-based resource, the Transfusion Evidence Library consisting of transfusion-related systematic reviews and hand-searched randomized controlled trials which is fully searchable by index terms  as well as by free text, title, author, date, and study type. To date the Library contains over 2,200 references (and links) to systematic reviews and randomized controlled trials published between 1960 and the present, and is updated monthly.

Transfusion News
Featuring videos, news articles, breaking news, and commentary from experts in the field, Transfusion News brings the latest news in blood banking, transfusion medicine, tissue transplantation, blood policies, hematopoietic stem cells, cellular therapies, and related fields